

Remodeling effort!!!

Our cousin, Shelley Block, has made the Wilcox family history her avocation. We will be organizing info here. Please feel free to make observations and contributions! There is a lot of work ahead

Wilcox Basic Info

Geographical information
on our homeland

a brief family history

many family documents

Bio of Stephen Clark
and Alice Wilcox Clark

Photo Galleries

William Wilcox & Lorana Prather
Fred Wilcox & Alice Powell
Marge Wilcox & Joe Senzig
Family portraits of the 4 sons
of Marge Wilcox and Joe Senzig


Early Genealogy

American Genealogy

Genealogy Page of Family Bible

Individual Family Pages

Birthdaysof the decendents
of Marge Wilcox and Joe Senzig

Mike SenzigAdventures Photo Gallery
Kevin Senzig
Weston . .. Karla
Kevin's Work and Fun Projects
Iris records memories from Marge Wilcox Senzig

Commercial Websites

Piper Senzig Hood's Hub925

Josh Senzig's Vintage Kava

Shelly Block

Shelley devoted years of
her life in the geneology.
project. We are deeply
indebted for her
invaluable contributions!
She has proved our ancestry
qualifies all of us to join

Webmaster Mike Senzig, Orlando Zigsailor@Yahoo.com
Page established 18 April 2018 Last update April, 2018